Download BeDifferent - Unique Website Bootstrap Template v1.1 |
Features & Benefits
- Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Off-canvas menu so you're not limited to 6-8 top level links
- 10 Different Professional Color Schemes
- LESS and CSS in packed and unpacked versions
- Different looking than most, if not all, of the themes out there
- Fat finger friendly for touch screens
- Font Logo or Image Logo
- Horizontal or Tall Logo
- Fluid and Responsive (not choppy)
- A variety of slider layouts to choose from
- Seriously easy to upgrade Bootstrap’s CSS and JS
- Works smoothly in modern browsers and IE 9+
- Extensive Documentation
- A variety of useful page layouts
- Scrollspy and Fixed Sidebar
- Filtered Blog and Portfolio
- Tabs turn into collapse on small viewports
- Working contact form in PHP and Ajax with validation
The docs provide the full link to their GitHub repo and/or original source. All scripts are MIT or another Open Source license.
- assets/js/jquery.main.js This contains the accordion script for the menu, various initializations/custom scripts and the following:
- assets/js/modernizr.2.8.3.js source feature detection library.
- assets/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js source javascript library
- assets/js/windows-fix.js source
- assets/js/jquery.touch-swipe.js source adds the ability to add touch swiping
- assets/js/bootstrap.min.js bootstrap’s jquery
- assets/js/jquery.bootstrap.addon.js various initializations and the tab-collapse add on for bootstrap’s js
- tab-collapse plugin source
- assets/jsjquery.slick-slider.min.js source the script and initializations for the various carousels.
- assets/js/jquery.magnific-popup.js source script and initializations used for modal, image overlays, etc.,
- assets/js/jquery.validate.min.js source jQuery form validation
- assets/js/jquery.form.min.js source the jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX
- assets/js/jquery.isotope.masonry.js source masonry layout and filtering for portfolio and blog page
Icon Fonts
All images are Public Domain from Pixabay, Creative Commons, or the property of the theme designer. Mockups are CC0. If attribution is required, the credit is near the placement of the image inside the theme.